Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why Do Black People Eyes

The ten lepers

The journey of the soul
Wilma Chasseur
XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) (10/10/2010 )
Gospel: Luke 17.11-19

D uring the journey to Jerusalem, Jesus passed through Samaria and Galilee.
entering a village, he was met by ten lepers, which stood at a distance, rose
voice, saying: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."
When he saw them, Jesus said, "Go show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed.
One of them, realizing he was healed, came back, praising God with a loud voice;
and threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him. He was a Samaritan.
Jesus asked, "Were not ten cleansed? And where are the other nine?
no one found to return and give glory to God except this foreigner? ". And he said
"Rise and go, your faith has saved you!

Clicca per vedere le Letture (Vangelo: Lc 17,11-19)

's still a matter of faith! Last time we were asked: what is faith? The Gospel today gives us the answer: faith is the soul. To do what? To walk! There seems strange?

- 1) The soul walks?

But that is precisely what has happened to the ten lepers, how far did their soul through faith, received even the healing of the body! And how far would
our soul if we had more faith, reaching to the heart of God and crossed the threshold of the impossible.
Leprosy, as we all know, that terrible disease that was completely isolate the person who was affected, and this was considered unclean and banished outside the walls of the city, with the prohibition of approaching other people.

- 2) Rules broken, healings!

Well, the ten lepers broke all the rules: they are setting off, entering the town, they come closer to Jesus, to whom they had heard about and cry out: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." And truly believe that He can cure. When hope fades in human remedies, comes the belief in miracle, or at least, we turn to Him who alone can do everything.
But the path of the ten lepers does not end there, because Jesus, but not yet healed them way again and sends them by the priests. This requirement seems especially strange because
was reserved for those who were healed while they were still sick. But there must be the same, that they really believe in healing, though do not see it yet. And 'this faith:
believe before you see! And then on the way, suddenly find themselves healed.
But one, who was not even Jewish, but it was the Samaritan, or foreign, come back to thank Jesus not only to thank him, but throws herself at his feet to worship him. And he just, he feels
say, "Go, your faith has healed you." The others were only recovered, but it is saved, that is recognized in Jesus the Savior and not only the dispenser of healing. He has not been enough healing, wanted to direct his gaze and his thanks to the giver of all grace.
Jesus rebukes the other nine, who are then all of us, because they have not been able to get back on their way to come to recognize the Savior: They stopped on their own, looking only
received the gift of the donor and disinterested. How many times
we too, we remember the Lord, only to ask for thanks, and once obtained,
not go beyond. While the Lord wants us to raise our eyes up to Him, that we do not settle for less. The favors are just a sign-miracles-as well as to invite us to
way again and aim toward the goal that he, not healing and grace in itself.

- 3) What is our leprosy?

But for this we must purify ourselves from our sin-leprosy-crusting our soul and makes it dull, dark, dissimilar. How? Going, like the ten lepers,
by priests. Jesus wants to heal, and does so through two major sacraments: is a confession.
because we have to say the sins of the minister who is Jesus? Why are destroyed, erased, flooded by the rivers of living water that flow from his heart. Not only evil that can not be remedied.
No doctor can cure a sick man who says he is healthy and no one goes to the doctor to tell him that is sick! "On demande des pĂȘcheurs" said P. Bro. We are not afraid to acknowledge our sin
, because that's when we will be healed completely.
The other great "sacrament" is the acceptance of suffering and lived in reparation. This flies (not just walking) the soul. Suffering and sacrifice are the two major forces ... unarmed,
that can save the world. E 'with these that Jesus saved humanity. The biggest favor to ask then-
even greater miracles-it is the purification of the heart, destroying any dissimilarity due to sin, we will rebuild in the original image and likeness. And then think again, as a pure crystal, the splendor of divine light. And radiates all around.


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