Friday, October 15, 2010

Carnival Poster Tutorial

Pray, pray, pray

If you are not a 'soul of prayer is not pleasing to God and your spiritual life nn bears fruit, it must be to get to the light pray because prayer is more powerful reason.
Prayer is powerful ... and gets everything. Jesus tells us: "Ask and you shall receive." However we must not forget that you must ask to be heard in the right way. There are many who ask, but few who receive it, why should not ask how: with humility, with faith, perseverance. God refuses to listen to the arrogant.
Ave Maria!
Maria Maistrini

Homily of the Day October 17, 2010
XXIX Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)

Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke from 18.1 to 8.
D isse them a parable about the need to pray always without ceasing:
"There was a city a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for anyone.
In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and said: Give me justice against my adversary.
For a time he refused, but then he said to himself: Although I do not fear God and I have no respect for anyone,
because this widow is so annoying I'll righteousness, for they are not continually to bother me. "
And the Lord said: "Hear what the unjust judge says.
And God will do justice to his elect who cry to him day and night, and make them long to wait?
I tell you that will make them swift justice. But the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? ".
Pray always without ceasing!
What gives us the Church, today, to meditate, to give 'meaning' to our life, is prayer. And there now provides a concrete example of prayer in the reading of Exodus: "In those days Amalek came to fight Israel in Rephidim. Moses said to Joshua: 'Choose us some men and go into battle against Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with a stick in his hand of God as Joshua had commanded Moses performed to fight against Amalek, while Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. When Moses held up his hand, Israel was the strongest, but when he dropped, Amalek was stronger because Moses felt weigh the hands of fatigue, they took a stone and placed it under him and he sat, while Aaron and Hur one on one side and the other hand, held up his hands. Thus his hands were steady until sunset Joshua defeated Amalek and his people " (Ex. 17: 8-13).
We all know that prayer is really the way to even converse with God just thinking about it Incredible! us ... we know from experience how difficult it is to find 'a powerful' we listen. They have no time or, perhaps, we are a small thing in their eyes ... we expect nothing. Not so with God, the Almighty
Prayer is, at times, to contemplate and enjoy God, sometimes open our hearts to him, and sometimes deposit in His Heart is who or what we really care .... In short, a 'living together' our experience of life. To pray
certainly do not mean a 'repeat' formula or words, without the participation of faith and love. When ours is just a 'talking to God' without trust and love, really feeling his presence, we can not surely believe that praying and deep in the truest sense of the word. A true prayer is a 'way of being', to 'stand before God,' as Moses, first of all requires inner silence, that makes way for the word and even more listening.
The people of faith know the importance of prayer, to live in the Presence continuity of God ... as if there was no gap between the concrete life and 'moments' of their prayer, so that everything becomes prayer, even the job.
So Jesus speaks to us today:
"Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray always without ceasing. 'There was a city a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for anyone. In that city there was a widow who went to him and said: 'Grant me justice against my adversary. For a time, he would not, but then he said to himself:' Though I do not fear God and I have no respect for no, because this widow is so annoying, I'll make justice because is not constantly bother me. And the Lord said, 'You heard what the unjust judge says. And God will do justice to his elect who cry to Him every day and make them long wait? Will tell you that swift justice. But the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? " (Lk. 19, 1-8).
The Lord gives us an indication of life 'Pray always without ceasing!'
E a point, which makes us think, if we take a look at how we live today, mostly with little or no faith and relationship with the Father: ' But the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?'.
We must ask ourselves: Let us pray? As we pray? What content has our prayers? I remember one day, meeting the great bishop of Turin, which was the Cardinal Ballestrero, asked me point blank, 'How much time given to prayer?'.
`enough 'I said. 'A bishop if they really want to do well his mission to give the prayer at least three hours a day'. It may seem a long time, but when one experiences the value of standing before God and praise or speak or intercede or simply 'being', the time goes fast.
"Of course you can not physically reach God, but by addressing the forces of the soul: the mind, the will and perceptions of the heart, through the purification of conscience and the practice continued prayers, without which there is no other means and no real possibility to enter the region of the light of God "(Schimonaco Hilarion).
Who loves does not matter why the time has to be with the loved one and send its heart. Do not weigh not felt the hours you spend together, indeed. When one leaves, seems to have spent one minute and the test with the joy a little bit of sadness and the desire to meet again soon.
and those living not only holy, but those who have learned to pray and contemplate or talk with God knows
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, for example, despite the great effort that faces every day in recovering the dying in the streets of Calcutta, to bring them home, clean them and treat them, gave ample space for prayer and asked the sisters to spend at least an hour each day to worship Jesus in the Eucharist, because only then ... fidelity to the last was insured!
Prayer is really the art of those who 'sees', 'meets' God in life, never tires from finding happiness, a force for hope in the face of every obstacle in fixing his eyes on his face, as we do when we want, but really good for someone.
Many times I wonder what could be the meaning of life without prayer, without the presence of the Father. I think it's unhappiness or bitterness of too many.
We must, I repeat, not so much to learn and only the formulas of prayers, but living the word with our own words, with our emotions, thoughts, concerns: let our heart speak to God challenges us So Paul VI:
"Please now? There is the prayer that has meaning in our lives? She feels it her duty? The need? The consolation? function within the framework of thought and action and what are the spontaneous feelings accompanying our moments of prayer? The fast? Boredom? Trust? The interior? The moral energy? That is also the sense of mystery? Light and darkness? Love at last?
We first groped, each on our own, to do this exploration, and to coin a definition for personal prayer. And we could proporcene a very basic: it is a dialogue, a conversation with God
And now depends on the sense of presence of God that we are able to represent our spirit, is a natural instinct, is an act of faith. Our attitude is like a blind man who does not see but knows he is in front of a real being, personal, infinite, alive, who observes, listens, loves the person praying. Then the call comes. Another is here-and-such is God Were it not for the warning that God is here, our prayer is poured out into a monologue. But it must not be so for us, we know that prayer is the encounter with God, and true communication possible. "(02/14/1973)
Finally there remain hard and painful to ponder the words of Jesus: 'The Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?:
If we look at the wave of materialism triumphant today, it occurs to me that perhaps there's little of faith. It is natural, logical when all Our 'faith' is placed in lifeless things, material possessions, it is very hard to leave 'space' to God is not so for us! I would like to know how to pray in the words of Charles De Foucauld:
"Father, I abandon myself to you, is' me what you like.
whatever you do to me, I thank you.
I am ready to accepts everything, because Your will be done in me and all creatures. I wish nothing my God
And it is a necessity for me love, give me and get back in your hands, without reserve and with boundless confidence because You are my Father. "
Antonio Riboldi - Bishop -


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