Friday, October 22, 2010

Furnace Will Not Ignite

Homily for Sunday, October 24, 2010

Homily of the Day October 24, 2010
XXX Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
October is the month that the Church has the mission

Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 18:9-14.
D isse this parable to some who trusted in they were righteous and despised others:
"Two men went to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a publican.
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself: O God, I thank you that I am not like other men, thieves, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
fast twice a week and I pay tithes on.
the publican, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying: O God, have mercy on me a sinner.
I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other, because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted

must continue to evangelize, by repeating that every man, without exception, is not 'fully human', a creature of God, if it is not illuminated and supported by the wonderful truth that Jesus shared with His own, that is the Good News of the Gospel: we are all loved by the Father and He waits for our love.
a truth that is not only knowledge, but must become life experience. It is the face of God who wants to become the human face, or better yet, the life that becomes transparent. But many - even among us who call ourselves Christians, superficially, they do not know too superficially-grab the urgency of this Announcement, the evangelization of humanity e. .. also for our Italy.
This month it is right to think so many of our missionaries that regardless of the sacrifices, sharing the poverty of many people, putting into account the danger of sacrificing life, they bring the love of God in distant lands and often dangerous.
But remember we must push on with as much generosity, starting with the mission of evangelization in our families, communities, everywhere ... . without false fears! wrote the Holy Father for this month:
"An adult faith, able to rely totally on the Word of God and study the truths of faith, is provided to promote a new humanism, based on the Gospel of Jesus wish to see Jesus' is the request that some Greeks have ... the apostle Philip. It echoes in our hearts during this month of October, which reminds us that the commitment of the Gospel and the task falls on the whole Church is missionary by its nature and invites us to become promoters of the newness of life, made of relations authentic community based on the Gospel. In a multiethnic society that has more experience and forms of loneliness and indifference worrying, Christians must learn to offer to become signs of hope and universal brotherhood. "
The Word of God this Sunday indicates the road to becoming truly the bearers of the joy of the gospel, participate in making our brothers - the very essence of the mission - namely
humility: "ANYONE It is exalted shall be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted "
The Word of Jesus seems to direct our time where we see the folly of man is exalted.
easy to see that the pronoun in the discourse that best highlights both 'I', wanting to show off, to 'count', without the ability to 'look inside' and to recognize the 'little' we are. It seems endlessly repeated in human history, the temptation that originally led our first parents to disobey God, ...
become like Him and from that moment that began the nefarious history of man, which has lost its status as a measure of the simple creature, doing everything to 'feel omnipotent'.... no longer think that is something else the 'true divine image', which must cultivate in himself and in the sight of God So today God speaks to us through the Book of Sirach:
"The Lord is the judge and for him not c 'is no preference of people. It is not partial to the detriment of the poor and hears the prayer of the oppressed. Do not ignore the supplication of the orphan, nor the widow, when unleashed in the complaint. Who helps you be well received, his prayer is up to the clouds. The prayer of the poor through the clouds, nor is it quiet until it has arrived, do not desist until the Most High has not been involved and has made satisfaction to the just and equitable re-established. "(Sir. 35, 17:20-22a-15b)
And of course if there is anything that causes discomfort is precisely that on airs, or pride, that we encounter on our roads. He had to give 'nuisance' to Jesus, always so humble in all-and he was the Son of God - have to dealing with the many who, like today, trying to produce what is certainly true greatness man, the externals.
more a person is inwardly very 'big' and more silent or try to hide, how not to get noticed. Who is really humble without airs and graces, but rather has a clear perception of being the last.
Quanta humble people, who did not 'show' its importance or position, I got to know and admire. Their modesty, it almost feel 'inferior' to all them armor of a great silence, but illuminating, without themselves knowing it.
Jesus, today, shows clearly the two attitudes of the humble and the proud. Thus saith:
"At that time, Jesus told this parable for some who had the presumption to be intimate righteous and despised others: 'Two men went to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself: 'O God, I thank you because I am not as other men, thieves, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I have '.
The tax, however, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying: 'O God, have mercy on me a sinner'.
I tell you, this rather than the other, went home justified, because whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " (Lk. 18, 9-14)
Everything in the Pharisee indicates a colloquium on par with God: the upright body, and especially pitted prayer to himself, like incense ... himself! This man is not only praying to God, but we could say that ... is not just praying!
is simply extolling himself to himself , bows to the idol of his alleged justice: his ego. autoconvince is its 'superiority' and as endorsement of all, consider the 'his' fast and give alms. A framework that tastes very narcissism.
very different is the attitude of the public: its almost not daring to raise his eyes to heaven, and the simple words, where there is full awareness of being a sinner, so ... anyone! But it is this prayer that God touch the hearts of Jesus
really paints a picture of the difference between one who is full of himself, unable to 'get lost', looking at the holiness of God, and who, being aware of its reality as sinful in the eyes of God, 'you leave' to him
our dear Paul VI said:
"We have the wisdom - and it's called humility - to call creatures. because we lack moral and religious sense, the fear of God to its lack of and often a willingness to recognize the divine transcendence that would give all our thinking vision of the proportion of values, the desire to pray and hope, true joy of living.
We speak of ourselves as if we were masters of our lives and not just leaders of his commitment. We close our experience in the home, office, without realizing that our whole being, our life has and must have an opening to the divine. And so the way we satisfy ourselves there, even if it is devoid of relations with the universe, with God
We are proud and arrogant and selfish. If we had the true sense of proportion and total of our being, we would have more enthusiasm for what we really are, and we would be amazed at all duty to God, Giver of all good.
Smallness and greatness of our God form the poles of our thinking and, suspended from any of our origin and our end of everything, and understand something of the great dramatic poem of our lives. "(15-08 - 1957)
meditating on the great virtue of humility, parade in the memories of my life so many examples of 'great saints', the size of which appeared on their own simplicity.
I just want to recall the meeting with Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
One day a young man, admired by his 'notoriety', he asked more or less as follows: 'Mother, what he feels at being admired for its spiritual greatness?'.
`I feel what you really are before God as nothing before Him What works are not my works, but Sue. I am only a pencil in the hands of God, which He uses to accomplish great things'.
was affected as the Canticle of Mary, during his visit to S. Elizabeth, after the announcement, called to be the mother of the Son of God 'has done great things for me in the Almighty, for he has regarded the humility of His servant, holy is His Name'.
prayed S. Francis de Sales, the humility to ask:
"Remember, O most sweet Virgin, that you are My mother and I your son
that you are powerful and that I am a poor man.
I beg you, sweet Mother, to attend and defend myself in everything I do. O Virgin fair, in front of your magic, God does not resist
Because your beloved Son has given you all authority in heaven and on earth.
Do not tell me you do not have, because you are the common Mother of all mankind are my fragile and in a unique way.
sweet Virgin, for you are my Mother, and are mighty
how can I apologize if you did not offer me your help and your affection?
For honor and glory of your divine Son
take me as your child without consider my sins and my misery. Deliver my soul and my body from all evil:
give me all the virtues, especially humility.
Arricchiscimi of all virtues and all the graces,
in the name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Antonio Riboldi - Bishop -


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