Unemployment One in four young jobless
One in young Those four jobless
"hopeless" are always many, but now some believe that it is possible to find a job and are now back in the game: in fact 60 thousand women were "adult" that included between the inactive and in the last month are found among the many looking for a job or have even found. Among young people, however, stronger back the specter of unemployment, because "after four consecutive declines term" rate is rising again to stand at 26.4% from 25% the previous month.
And even if less than 30% a few months ago, "remains a very high rate," especially when compared with that seen in the Eurozone where the kids are out of work 20.3%. These are the two key facts that emerge from Istat at work in September, when the overall rate of unemployment rose to 8, 3%, with the jobless rose by 43 thousand units (+2.1% in August), while employment has seen a "modest recovery" with an increase of 35 thousand units (+0.2% in August) and decreased the inactive 69mila units (-0, 5%) of which 60 thousand women. In the past month
technicians Istat showed a higher participation in the labor market, apparently because the recovery of the economy raised hopes of finding a job, but unfortunately this produces more unemployment in the survey (about two points below the eurozone average, which recorded a rate of 10.1%, the highest level since 1998). The survey, returning women, indicates that the increase of the unemployed is mainly due to a rise in unemployment (+70 thousand), which is opposed to a decrease in men without a job (-28 thousand). For the latter, the decline in unemployment is reflected, albeit to a slight extent, in fact, that an increase in employment rose by 0.3% month-over-year is up.
At this point, the employment rate, which generally is 57% and 70% so far away from that advocated by the European Union in Lisbon, for men rose to 67.7%, up 0.2 points percent decrease in August and up 0.4 points on September 2009, while for women the rate drops to 46.3%, unchanged from August and down 0.1 percentage points in 2009. Instead, the rate Unemployment, which has a total of 8, 3% for the male gender is equal to 7.3%, down 0.2 percentage points to 0.1 points in August and September 2009, while the unemployment rate women is 9.7%, increasing as compared to August (+0.6 percentage points) is compared with September 2009 (+0.4 points).
be remembered, finally, that Europe's unemployment rate is the highest level recorded in Spain (20.8%) and lowest in the Netherlands (4.4%), while among the major industrialized countries are the United States 9.6% and Japan 5.1%. Bruno Mastragostino
"The Istat data, recording the unemployment rate to 8, 3% is important and needs no additional forcing." The Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi, immediately puts the record straight. The figure is one. And that's what Istat, which - referring to yesterday - "confirms the trend, already seen at the previous month, a positive increase in employment and participation in the labor market."
No "forcing" Therefore, neither "dramatization." Because, according to Sacconi, "with the shooting, more people, especially youth, are offered for a job. The unemployment rate remains below the European average of almost two points. "
Just Thursday, for the World Savings Day, the Minister Giulio Tremonti and Bank of Italy governor, Mario Draghi, had "stitched up" data-tearing: a Dragon who insisted on a 11% real unemployment, the number one Treasury replied: data "absolutely shared." A "truce" last long. Sacconi it marks the distinction. "The unemployment rate in the terms set out by Eurostat, is the only measure used throughout Europe to identify those who actively seek work without finding it, and as such deserve support and escort services.
Other indicators are useful to define elements and conditions as the vulnerability of people in relation to poverty, the trend of income and their impact on consumption. " The reference is obviously to the Bank of Italy data which include the fact laid off and so-called discouraged. Hence the invitation Sacconi to avoid "further straining" and "exploitation" of an ideological nature: the "laid off already have a working relationship, while discouraged, is a person who is not seeking a job can do it, but lost motivation '. Data Bank of Italy - says Sacconi - are "valuable and useful" but "original", since "do not exist in any other European country." Pressed by questions from journalists he was born an argument with a reporter who insisted that the inactive were not considered unemployed. Sacconi has lost patience: "You talk to militant and ignorant." Then he assured that he called the reporter "for a reconciliation."
The debate does not stop. Istat has announced it is organizing a workshop to identify measures to accompany the unemployment rate and are better able to photograph "vulnerabilities" in the labor market. "The measure of unemployment is shared internationally. It is important to build new indicators to supplement the unemployment rate is trying to capture the vulnerability in working conditions, but there is still no consensus among the European authorities on the subject, "says Linda Laura Sabbadini, ISTAT central director for the statistics of the quality of life.
reactions to data from the trade unions. "The overall unemployment rate and the youth back in September to rise after the downturn of recent months, but are up slightly, too busy, with a positive message and encouraging," said the confederal secretary of CISL, Giorgio Santini, highlighting that "the employment picture is still critical." The harder the next secretary-general with the CGIL, Susanna Camusso: "The Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi should stop telling that things are better. The reality is different, people are not deceiving you increase the consensus is neither a solution. " Giuseppe Matarazzo
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