Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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5. Tyranny

the government is called tyranny of one man, holding a despotic power, which can be oppressive and cruel or enlightened and philanthropic organizations. The
t. stated in the greek world from the seventh century. BC as reply to the need to restore social harmony in the troubled poleis by infighting.
Up to the sixth century and including the t. aristocracy was an internal phenomenon: fighting among themselves for the conquest of power, the aristocratic families engage in a demagogic populist policy aimed at gaining the support of the masses.
Generally, the tyrant polis regarded as his private property, and pursuing his interests even manage to establish a dynastic government, although not infrequently ruled wisely and well balanced. Only from the fifth century, with the emergence of democracy, the people became politically active and responsible person, and from that moment, t. was seen as the worst form of government antithetical to democracy.
During the Middle Ages gave the name of a tyrant to the pope or the emperor, who had no respect for anyone. Even today we use the word tyrant in its negative sense.


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