When in the course of organic evolution it becomes obvious that a mutation process is inevitably dissolving the physical and neurological links that connect the members of one generation to the past and inevitably directing them to assume among the species on Earth, the separate and equal status to which the Laws of Nature and the Nature of God called them, a decent concern for the harmony of species requires that they should be declared the causes of mutation.
We consider these truths as self-evident:
that all species are created different but equal;
that are provided, each of certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
the freedom to live, grow, and the Freedom of pursue happiness according to their own style;
and to protect those rights given by God naturally form social structures, basing their authority on the principles of God's love and respect for all life forms;
that when any Form of Government becomes destructive of life, of freedom and harmony is a duty to young staff members of that species to mutate, to drop, beginning a new social structure, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form that seems appropriate to produce security, happiness and harmony of all sentient beings.
genetic wisdom suggests that in reality the social structures long established should not be abandoned for frivolous reasons and contingent causes. The ecstasy of mutation is equally balanced by the pain. Agreed the experience shows that members of a species are more likely to suffer when evils are sufferable, than to abandon the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long chain of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same destructive purposes all, endanger the same factory of organic life and the serene harmony of the planet, is right, it is the duty staff to abandon such conventions and developing new soft loving social structures.
Grande was the patient sufferance of the freedom-loving peoples, and today the need is great which requires us to form new systems of government. The history of white men, false, menopausal now rule the planet earth is a history of repeated violation of the harmonious laws of nature, all with the express purpose of establishing a tyranny of the materialistic decadence of who is gentle, peace-loving, young, colored. To prove this, let facts be submitted for evaluation of future generations. These old, white rulers have maintained a continuous war against other species of life, enslaving and destroying madly birds, fish, animals and spreading a lethal layer of cement on the soft body of the earth.
They have maintained the same way a constant state of war between them themselves and against the colored races, lovers of peace, the gentle, the young man. Genocide is their custom. They have created artificial famines
, denying peaceful people of the earth's natural legacy of abundance and the gift of God
They glorified material values \u200b\u200band degraded the spiritual.
They proclaimed private property, the staff of God's earth, driving by force of arms, the kind in his steps on earth.
In their greed have created artificial immigration and customs barriers, preventing the free movement of people.
In their lust to control organized systems of compulsory education to oppress and destroy the minds of children the wisdom and the innocence of the young lovers of the game.
In their lust for power they have controlled all means of communication to prevent the spread of free ideas and block loving exchanges among the Gentiles.
In their fear they have set up large squads of secret police to spy on the private life of the Pacific.
In their anger they have coerced the peaceful young against their will to join their armies to wage war against the murderous young and kind of other countries.
In their greed have made the construction and sale of arms to the base of their economies.
for profit have polluted the air, rivers, seas.
In their impotence they have glorified murder, violence, and sex unnatural in their media. In their craving decadent
organized an economic system that favors the old against young people.
They tried in every way to impose a uniformity of robots and destroy the diversity, individuality, and independence of thought.
In their greed have created political systems that perpetuate the rule of the old and force young people to choose between plastic conformity and desperate alienation.
They have flooded the bathroom with illegal searches, arrests without cause, and contemptuous harassment.
They have organized an army of spies.
In their greed they encourage the use of deadly tars and sugars and employ cruel and unusual punishment for possession of acids and alkaloids that give life. Never admit a mistake. Unceasingly trumpet the virtue of greed and war. In their advertising and their manipulation of information they make a fetish of falsity and pious autoesagerazione flashy. Their obvious errors only stimulate them to a major mistake and a noisier self approved.
They are bores.
They hate beauty.
hate sex.
They hate life. We
we have regularly warned of their iniquities and blindness. We tried to make them laugh.
We have prophesied in detail the terror they are perpetuating. But they were deaf the cry of the poor, the anguish of the colorful, bombastic mockery of the young, the warnings of their poets. Worship only power and money, they can only listen to money. But we do not speak any longer in this harsh language. We must therefore accept the need for genetic detach from their madness and endure cold from now on as we endure the rest of God's creatures - in harmony, life brothers, in their excess, their threats to life.
We then lovers of God, peace, life, pleasure, men and women, who are appealing to the Supreme Judge of the rectitude of their intentions, solemnly publish and declare that, in the name and authority of all things sentient try gently to evolve on this planet, we are free and independent, and relieved of all ties with the U.S. government and all governments controlled by the menopausal, and that we grouped in tribes of friends who think like us, we demand full power to live and move upon the earth, to obtain sustenance with our own hands and minds, in the style which seems sacred, and to do all those things to Measures of free men and free women can make to law, without interfering with the same rights of other species and groups.
Timothy Leary (look for "Timothy Leary" on Google)
interesting books (but some find them in Italian because out of print for years):
-The Gay cosmology. Adventures in the chemistry of consciousness by Alan W. Watts, 1980 Astrolabe
-LSD: a drug that expands the consciousness of David Solomon, Feltrinelli 1964
-The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley, Mondadori 2002 (within the same volume Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley).
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