Friday, February 25, 2011

How Does A Cervix Get Raw

Extraordinary Plan for work in Puglia

A good opportunity

Antonio Rubino

extraordinary plan for the work will meet for the first time no later than February, the "control" - consisting of regional departments, employers' organizations and trade unions and other institutions - that will decide the time priority of notices under the Plan for extraordinary work in Puglia. This comes in a 6-axis (youth, women, social inclusion, quality of life, development and innovation, higher quality work) for 43 operations targeting 52,035 potential recipients. Resources amounted to 340 million. Among the actions planned: development of entrepreneurship women, work-life reconciliation services, training, recruitment of disabled people, support poverty, re-use and self-employment of laid off, industrial research and training. The interventions will start by June. For the CGIA Mestre real unemployment rate (unemployed as the official "no confidence") in the second quarter of 2010 was 17.5%. Over 71 million hours of redundancy (data 2010 - CGIL).

interest and concern. "Anything done for the young and the work is always interesting," debuted Antonio Petraroli in charge of the Regional Workers Movement of Catholic Action. However, "detailing the resources are not as full-bodied whereas the catchment area is 52,000 people, with an investment, then, of just over € 6,500 per person, compared to a situation that is alarming, "and that" we are also waiting for the plane to the South. "Region" has done a thorough preliminary investigation "even if" sometimes these interventions, both at national and regional level are more commercials election economic strategy. "That region is" a comprehensive proposal that comes to work, social emergence, recovery of subjects who dropped school, phenomenon - the latter - which causes situations of illegality ". Petraroli has two concerns. The first is that" the money to go to big industrial groups, leaving little to young people, women, immigrants, "even if" the refinancing of the 'Back to the Future' (post-graduate scholarships, ed) is interesting. "The second is that" because of the number of entities involved in the control room can escape the objective of simplifying the bureaucratic procedures for participation in tenders, provided that when there is no transparency participation.

Unlocking talent. The planned interventions are "substantially positive - says Gianluca Budano, regional president of ACLI - because it aims to take on work and not generally on the economic development of the territory, crossing the vocational training policies with incentives for businesses within a framework systematic. "This" is free, however, an analysis of context, "which is" shared and then explained. "The Piano" collects and raises "initiatives already put in a few months ago. knotty problem" is that the systematic policy that contains specific interactions is not useful "to bring" public spending, especially that related to EU funds, to be the most effective. "Manca, in short," the effort to predict the results after the round of the 2000 ROP - 2006, which did not always shine. "Therefore, the ACLI, in short, will launch the campaign" Free the talents of Puglia system ", to" give hope to young people of Puglia 'Back to the Future' or 'over 50' retrained with the program Regional 'Welfare to work', all this through a choice: invest in public procurement resulting from financing of projects of all kinds, crossing the path of human resources arising or made from other funded programs. "The message is threefold." Those who receive funds Government exercises a public function that excludes the arbitrary management decisions, above and beyond what regulations require. "Second," the goal of maximum efficiency of public spending requires the maximum effort to pursue and to multiply the positive effects. "Finally, , "is a good opportunity to introduce a specific example of 'subsidiarity' circular, which expresses itself in the management of forms of administration shared between society and government ".

And the third sector? Budano to the control room had to function as a precautionary measure and it is" incomplete "in the Third Sector Forum. Lack" not just "because" substantial part of the plan is funded by the European Social Fund and the Third Sector is important because "both in the production of income is social and relational capital." There is still "time for some adjustments," he added. To combat youth unemployment "we must give hope young people and all who live in a state of insecurity and uncertainty. "In this, the Region has launched a virtuous path, see the program 'Welfare to work', but now must accelerate the pace ", asking the company to assume responsibility Apulian the insecurity that exists in the population. The campaign" Free the talents "may be" the right approach to be emulated in public policy. "


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