(Pierpaolo Di Bello)
message still relevant ....
JESUS \u200b\u200b'REFUGEE (+ Armando Franco * 1922 +1997 )
In the celebration of Christmas it is customary to exchange greetings: best wishes of well being, especially health, in addition to the purposes that we can achieve. It 'also a way to renew the feelings of friendship between two people, their families, the two groups. And in this we forget that the first wish to be confused with the celebrated. In Bethlehem a child was born which was placed the name of Jesus means "God saves". This child was born a refugee in a foreign land is celebrating his birthday. He was born in a foreign land because Mary and Joseph, married, went to give his name for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus. On that trip did not find any that host them. And having asked the innkeeper of the time, who certainly saw Maria in advanced maternity situation, had to agree that there was no place for them: "There was no room Accommodation includes, says the evangelist Luke (2.7).
There was no room. There was not then, there is none today. There was no place for Jesus, there is none for so many who bear the same name of "man". There's so many immigrants, though they are among us, share our joys and hopes, in many cases have become our servants.
There is no place for them, which we consider an inferior race, for the different skin color, the diversity of culture, mentality for religious or other reasons.
There is no place for them, because they live underground, are suddenly landed without no one waiting for them to receive them. There is still room for them, who are evicted from our table, without any sign of humanity to them.
There is no place for them to suppose that evicted from their countries, persecuted, rightly or wrongly, there is no place for them to have escaped an ambush escaped certain death, sought to be destroyed.
There is no place we do not want their children play with ours, because the fun remains a family business, private.
There is no place for them that we engaged in prostitution and earn well. And do not think that there is amongst us those who resort to them to meet their passions, promises lucrative profits. There is no place for them to disturb our peaceful sleep, we do not want to beg to see today, not to disturb the serenity of this day. But it is clear the day that I do not see that every man is my brother? The hope then is this: our smile that reaches all people, of every color, every race, every religion and every one say you are my brother, best wishes! Merry Christmas! "
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