Friday, December 31, 2010

Nutramax Dog Food Ingredents

Nutriamoci the Word of God Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gospel (Lk 2.16-21)

16 So they certainly 'delay, and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger. 17 When they saw, told what the child had been told. 18 All those who heard it wondered at what the shepherds said. 19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they were told.
21 When they were eight days to be circumcised, he was given the name Jesus, as had been called by first conceived in the womb.

The Gospel today is a continuation of the track bed on Christmas night. Next to the cradle of Jesus appear again the shepherds (vv. 16-17).
Following the announcement received from heaven, they go to Bethlehem and find Joseph, Mary and the child lying in the manger.
Note: do not find anything extraordinary. They only see a child with his father and mother. Yet, that being weak, in need of help and protection, they recognize the Savior. They do not need extraordinary signs, miracles and wonders do not occur. The shepherds are all poor, the excluded that, almost instinctively, recognize the child of Bethlehem the Messiah of Heaven. In
representations are usually referenced in the shepherds kneeling before Jesus But the gospel does not say that they have paid homage, as did the Magi (Matthew 2:11). They were simply to observe - amazed, delighted - the marvelous work that God had done for them, then they announced their joy to others and how well they listened to them remained amazed (v. 18).
In the early chapters of his Gospel, Luke notes often wonder and joy irrepressible people who feel involved in the plan of God Elisabeth, discovered she was pregnant, he repeats to all: "That's what he did for me to the Lord "(Lk 1:25), Simeon and the prophetess Anna bless God who gave them to see the salvation prepared for all nations (Luke 2,30.38), Mary and Joseph are also surprised, astonished (Lk 2 , 33.48). All of them have
eyes and the baby's heart that they looked to each act of the father, is kidnapped in front of her every gesture and smiles, smiles because all that the father is a sign takes of his love. "The kingdom of God belongs to those who are like them - Jesus said one day - and who does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter therein" (Mark 10:14-15).
The first concern of pastors is not an ethical issue: do not ask what should be done, which will make corrections to their moral life is not always exemplary, what sins will have to undertake to prevent ... They stop to rejoice in what God has done. Then, only after feeling loved are able to listen to the advice, proposals for their new life turned from the Father. Only then will you find the right condition to grant trust.

In the second part of the gospel (v. 19) is underlined Mary's reaction to the story of the shepherds, "kept all these things and pondered them in her heart" (literally: put them together).
Luca does not mean that Mary "kept in mind everything that happened, not to mention any details. Nor will - as some have claimed - to indicate its source of information Maria childhood of Jesus The extent of his theological statement is much greater. He says that Mary put together the facts, linked them together and get a sense he knew, he discovered the thread , contemplated the realization of God's plan Maria (girl of twelve or thirteen years old) was not superficial, not praised when things were going well and not become discouraged by the difficulties. Meditated, watched with keen eye every event, not being influenced by the ideas, beliefs, traditions of his people, and prepared to be receptive to the surprises of God
A certain devotion to Mary has departed from our world and our human condition, our anxieties, our doubts and uncertainties, our difficulty in believing. He enveloped in a cloud of privileges - as appropriate - have made it envy or admire but not love.
Luke has the right perspective, as sister who has completed a journey of faith is not different from our .
Maria does not understand everything from the beginning: is surprised by what Simeon says of the child, it is almost taken by surprise (Lk 2:33). You will be amazed surprise as the apostles and all the people in front of the works of God (Luke 9.43-45). It does not include the words of his son who has chosen to deal with the things of his Father (Luke 2.50), as the Twelve have difficulty understanding the Master's words: "I do not understand any of this, this saying was hidden from them and did not understand what he had said "(Luke 18.34).
Maria does not understand, but notes, listen, ponder, reflect, and after Easter (not before!) Will understand everything, you will see a clear sense of what happened.
Luke recur, for the last time at the beginning of the book of Acts. This will put in place in the community of believers: "They were all devoted themselves to prayer, together with several women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus and his brothers" (Acts 1:14). She, the blessed because she believed (Lk 1:45).

Today's Gospel ends with the memory of circumcision . With this ritual, Jesus became an official part of the people of Israel. But this is not the main reason why Luke recalls the fact. It is another detail that's interesting, is the name given to the child, whose name was not chosen parents, but was given directly from heaven.
for the peoples of the ancient East, the name was not only a means to specify the persons to distinguish animals, to identify objects. It was much more expressed the very nature of things, it formed one with the wearer. Abigail tells her husband: "He is exactly what its name suggests. It is called Nabal (literally, "crazy") and is not in him that folly "(1 Sam 25,25). Be called by the name of another meant to impersonate, make it present, to have his own authority, call the guard (Dt 28.10).
With this cultural context, we can understand the importance that Luke gives the name given to the child. His name is Jesus which means The Lord saves . Matthew explains: was so named because it will save his people from their sins (Mt 1.21).
The commentary said the first reading that the name of God - YHWH - could not be pronounced. But nameless remains anonymous. Who does not know our name can only create a superficial relationship with us.
If God wanted to enter into dialogue with the man had to tell him how he wanted to be called, should indicate his name, to reveal his identity.
He did. Click on the name of his Son, God says who he is.
Here is his identity: one who saves, who does nothing but save. In the Gospels this name is repeated 566 times per well, as if to remind us that images of God are incompatible with this name should be erased.
now understand why in the Old Testament God did not allow it to be given his name because only Jesus would tell us who he was.
is interesting to note who they are, in Luke's Gospel, those who call Jesus by name. They are not saints, the righteous, the perfect, but only the marginalized, those who are at the mercy of evil forces. Are possessed (Luke 4:34), the lepers, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us" (Luke 17:13), the blind man: "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me" (Lk 18.38 ) and the criminal who dies on the cross next to him: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom" (Luke 23.42).
I remember Peter from the religious leaders of his people: "No other name under heaven has been given among men, which can be saved."

Fernando Armellini (biblical scholar)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Robert Stanley Collection Ribbon 5761630

The Word on Christmas Eve

Gospel (Jn 1:1-18)

1 In the beginning was the Word,
the Word was with God
and the Word was God
2 He was in the beginning with God
3 all things were made through him,
and without him nothing was made of all that exists.
4 In him was life
and the life was the light of men
5 the light shineth in darkness;
but the darkness did not comprehend it.
6 was a man sent from God
and his name was John.
7 He came for testimony
to testify to the light,
that all might believe through him.
8 He was not the light,
but came to bear witness to the light.
9 was coming into the world
the true light
that enlightens every man.
10 He was in the world,
and the world was made through him,
the world did not recognize him.
11 He came to his people,
but his own did not receive.
12 But to all who received him,
gave power to become children of God
who believed in his name,
13 which no blood,
nor of the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man,
but of God were generated.
14 And the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us;
and we beheld his glory,
glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
15 John testified
and shouts: "This was he of whom I said
He who comes after me
me ranks ahead
because he was before me. "
16 From his fullness
we all received
, grace upon grace.
17 For the law was given through Moses,
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
18 God no one has ever seen
only Son,
that is in the bosom of the Father,
has revealed him.

All authors with particular care commitment to the first page of their books because the paper is the presentation of the whole work. Must be not only pleasant and attractive, but it is good that even hints at the essential issues to be discussed later. It is a way to whet your interest and curiosity of the reader.
To introduce his Gospel, John composed a song so sublime, so high as to deserve it, rightly, the title of "Eagle" among the evangelists. In this prologue, as in the 'overture "of a symphony, it is possible to understand the reasons that will be taken up and developed in subsequent chapters: the Father sent Jesus, the source of life, light of the world, full of grace and truth, which turns out to be begotten of the Father's glory.

In the first stanza (vv. 1-5) John seems to fly by an image dear to the wise and rabbinic literature as "the Wisdom of God" depicted as a charming and delightful woman. Here's how the "Wisdom" presents himself in the book of Proverbs: "The Lord created me at the beginning of its activity, first of all his work. When there were no depths I was brought forth, before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth. When he fixed the heavens, I was there, when he assigned the sea its limits, when the foundations of the earth, I was with him "(Prov 8.22 to 29).
is a personification echoed in the book of Sirach, which says that Wisdom was as embodied in the Torah, the Law, and set up his tent in Israel (Sir 24,3-8.22).
John knows these texts, and - perhaps with a little polemic against Judaism - takes them and applies them to Jesus
is he - he says - the Wisdom of God failed to put his tent in the middle to us, is he, not the Mosaic law, which reveals to men the face of God and his will. He is the Word The last and final Word of God, is the same Word by which God in principle, has created the world.
not alone. A difference of Wisdom personified (Sir 24.9), the Word of God - that Jesus was made flesh - was not created, but "it was" with God, God existed from eternity and was
For Israel Wisdom is a "tree of life to those who adheres to it" (Proverbs 3:18). John explains: the Wisdom of God manifested itself fully in the historical person of Jesus he is no longer the law, the source of life.
The coming of the Word the world divides history into two parts: before and after Christ, without him darkness, light where there is him. Word that, like a sword, it penetrates deep within every man and he separates what is "son of light" on what is "son of darkness." The darkness will try to overcome this light, but it succeeds. The negative response of man can not suppress it, and eventually the light will prevail in the heart of everyone.

The second stanza (vv. 6-8) is a first intermission narrative that introduces the figure of John the Baptist. For he says that "was with God." John is a simple man raised by God for a mission. It must have been witness to the light. His role is so important that is underlined three times.
He was not the light, but was able to recognize the true light and show to everyone.

The third stanza (vv. 9-13) develops the theme of Christ the light and the response of men before his appearance in the world.
The hymn begins with a cry of joy: "Word was the true light." Jesus is the true light, as opposed to illusory glitter, the wisps, the mirage, the deceptive glare thrown up by the wisdom of men.
At this cry is enthusiastic contrasts, however, suffered a lament: "The world knew him not." It is the rejection, opposition, closing the light. Men prefer the darkness because loyal to their evil deeds (Jn 3:19).
Even the Israelites - "his people" - the welcome. Yet they should recognize Jesus as the ultimate manifestation, the embodiment of "Wisdom of God," that wisdom that "among all nations had sought a resting place in which to establish" just and in Israel had found his home. The Creator of the universe had given this order: "Make your dwelling in Jacob and make Israel your inheritance "(Sir 24.7 to 8).
surprising rejection of light and life by men, even the most prepared and well arranged. Even Jesus was surprised one day unbelief of his own countrymen (Mark 6.6). This means that the light that is not imposed from above, no violence, are released, but are faced with a decision inescapable: we must choose between "blessing and curse" (Deut. 11:27), between "life and death "(Deuteronomy 30:15).
The verse ends with the joyful vision of those who believed in the light. Believing does not mean giving intellectual assent to a package of truth, but accept a person, the Wisdom of God who identifies with Jesus
To those who trust him is granted "a right" unheard of: to become children of God and the rebirth of which Jesus speaks from Nicodemus (John 3:3), rebirth that has nothing to do with natural birth which is linked to sexuality, to the will of man. Being born of God is of another order, is the work of the Spirit.

The fourth stanza (v. 14): "And the Word became flesh and moved his tent among us." It is the culmination of all the prologue and the words of the Gospel now listen to its knees. I am still full of admiration and joyful surprise of the first communities of Christians before the mystery of God who love undressing of his glory, destroying himself and his dwelling under our tent.
"Meat" in biblical language indicates the man in the appearance of being weak, fragile, perishable. One senses here the dramatic contrast between "flesh" and "Word of God so effectively expressed in the famous passage from Isaiah:" All flesh is grass and all its glory is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower, but the word of our God stands forever " (Is 40.6 to 8).
When John says that the "Word" became flesh, does not say simply that he took a mortal body, which is overlaid with muscles, but that became one of us, who became very similar to us (including feelings, passions, emotions, cultural conditioning, fatigue, exhaustion, ignorance - yes, even the ignorance - and then the temptations, the inner conflicts ...). Exactly like us except sin.
"And we beheld his glory." The biblical man was conscious that the human eye is unable to see a God he can only contemplate the "glory" that is, the signs of his presence, his works, his acts of power in favor of his people: "prove my glory upon Pharaoh and all his army, his chariots and his horsemen" (Exodus 14:17).
are heard echoing in this sentence of the prologue expressions full of intense emotion of the first letter of John: "That which was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have covered and what our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life (because life was made manifest, we have seen and testify and proclaim to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us), what we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you. We are writing this that our joy may be complete "(1 Jn 1:1-4).
John speaks in the plural because it intends to report the experience of Christians of his community, with the eyes of faith, have failed to grasp, beyond the veil of the "flesh" of Jesus crucified and humiliated, the face of God
The Lord has often expressed his glory with signs and wonders, but never revealed himself so clear and evident as in his "only begotten, full of grace and truth." "Grace and Truth" is an expression biblical meaning "faithful love." We find in the Old Testament when the Lord appears to Moses as "the merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6). In this Jesus is the fullness of God's faithful He is irrefutable proof that nothing can ever overcome the benevolence of God

The fifth verse (v. 15) is the second intermission. Baptist reappears and this time he speaks to this: "testifies" in favor of Jesus "Shout" to men of all times that he is unique.

The sixth stanza (vv. 16-18) is a song of joy which overflows from the community's gratitude to God for the gift received. Incomparable gift. The law of Moses was a gift from God, but was not definitive. The external arrangements that it contained were not able to communicate "the grace and truth", that is, the force that enables man to match the faithful love of God 'grace and truth "were donated by Jesus appears here for the first time his name.
God no one has ever seen . It is a statement that John often calls (5.37, 6.46, 1 Jn 4,12.20). It is found already in the Old Testament: "Thou canst not see my face - said God to Moses - because no man can see me and live" (Exodus 33.20).
manifestations, apparitions, visions of God in the Old Testament were not told of the materialist view, was a humane way to describe the revelation of the thoughts, the will, the Lord of the projects.
Now you can really see, actually seeing Jesus to know God the Father should not be made or lost in philosophical arguments subtle disquisitions. Just contemplate Christ, look at what he does, what it says, what he teaches, how it behaves, as he likes, if you prefer, those attending, who went to dinner, who chooses, who complains, who defends. Enough, in particular, contemplate the highest moment of his glory, when it is raised on the cross. In the event that the sum of love the Father has said everything.

Fernando Armellini (biblical scholar)

Strange Spot On The Skin

Erebus: Travia Reborn

Erebus: Travia Reborn is a role-playing fantasy game for PC created by Outspark. Beams and returned the Prince of Darkness Erebus: star so you and your group of allies Fidale Respighi and ensure that peace prevails over chaos.
Within Erebus: Reborn Travia has four classes: the wizard, the cleric, the warrior and the archer. At the moment there is not a customization of your character, but is once assigned the class of choice.
Since the first images of this game you realize how the graphics look somewhat 'dated and whether this is undoubtedly a drawback for most hardcore gamers, can also be seen as a positive side to those who do not own a computer last generation.
Above we showed an image of Erebus: Reborn Travia, while below we show the video with the trailer for this fantasy game:

fantasy games

If you online games like fantasy then take a look also at Secret Kingdoms Online , Zenti , Online Fairy Story, Legend of Edda , Nadirim , Fantasy Tennis Season 2 and CardMon Hero.

Games of the week

These are the other reviews that we published this week: Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 , Hero II of Sparta, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , Worms: Battle Islands , Zuma Blitz , Magicka and Dance Dance Revolution X2 .
Earlier we also discussed Kinectimals , Marvel Super Hero Squad Online , Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime , Pride of Nations, Donkey Kong Country and Returns Kingdom Hearts Re: coded.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lamisildonating Blood

Here's how it happened the birth of Jesus Christ

Gospel (Mt 1.18-24)

18 Here's how was the birth of Jesus Christ: His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found child through the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph her husband, who was right and did not want divorce, decided in secret. 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel appeared in his dream the Lord and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, because what is conceived in her by the Holy Spirit. 21 she will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. "
22 All this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23 "Here , the virgin shall conceive and bear a son who will be called Immanuel, which means God with us. 24 awoke, Joseph did as the angel the Lord and took with him his bride.

"This is as it was the birth of Jesus." So begins the Gospel passage today, but instead of talking about the birth, said the announcement to Joseph, the virginal motherhood of his wife.
Luke, unlike Matthew, said the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary and Joseph remembers only marginally.
The temptation to merge the two accounts as if they were reports of two journalists, it's great, but it is dangerous: it inevitably puts us in the face of questions which difficult, if not impossible to answer, as we shall see shortly.
Both Luke and Matthew refer to real events, though difficult to define in detail, but do not write news pages, do theology: Jesus as a present, after the Easter and in the light of the Spirit, the Christian communities of the end of the first century have come to know him.
Let's see how Matthew structures his story and what message would you give.
In Jesus' marriage took place in two stages. The first was in the contract between the couple in front of parents and two witnesses, and after this signing, the boy and the girl were husband and wife, but were not going to live, wait another year, during which they could not meet.
This interval was used to the two families for a better knowledge and the newlyweds to mature: there is indeed married very young, 12-13 years, the girl, the boy 15-16. This was to be the age of Mary and Joseph.
After a year of waiting, was a party, the bride was carried to the house of her husband and the two began living together.
It was during this period that took place the annunciation to Mary and her pregnancy through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew emphasizes this done from the beginning of his story, to prevent slips doubt that Jesus was created by the intervention of a man.
spirit, this story does not represent the male element ( ruah -spirit in Hebrew is feminine), indicates strength, a breath of the divine creator. "You send forth your spirit, they are created, and renew the face of the earth" - says the Psalmist (Ps 104:30) probably think that the spirit of God hovered over the water at the beginning of the world (Gen 1:2).
The virginal conception, which is also explicitly mentioned by Luke (1.26 to 39), is not intended to emphasize the moral superiority of Mary, nor, even less, is a depreciation of sexuality. It is introduced to "reveal" a fundamental truth for the believer: Jesus is not only man, he comes from, is the same Lord who has taken human form . To help us understand this truth, statements of both Matthew and Luke, God has used a creative act.

What happened next is not easy to establish and raises several questions. It seems incredible that Joseph, despite his righteousness, you think to take drastic measures to Mary, without even consulting him. How could he suspect that he had been unfaithful? In the sense that Joseph was "right", perhaps because he wanted to be separated from Mary? There was no law requiring a divorce from an unfaithful wife. After all, it would be a nice gesture that Joseph was going to do, even if it was done in secret. How is it that Mary did not say anything to the announcement that Joseph had had from the Archangel Gabriel? Or, if I said, because Joseph did not believe him?
someone replies to these questions: Mary must have told her husband that his son was waiting for God had no reason to keep secret a fact that he was entitled to know. The question then Joseph was not about fidelity or infidelity of the bride, but on his role in this extraordinary event. How could he naming a child is not his? It would not be unduly meddling in God's plan? Not knowing how to behave, had planned to pull aside and wait for God did know his will.
While he was meditating these things, God revealed his plan and the mission to which he called: he had to give the name of Jesus, so Mary's son in law would come into his family, he would become a descendant of David According to the flesh "as Paul said in the second reading.
This explanation is interesting and certainly contains elements acceptable - as, for example, the fact that Joseph is called "right" because he had decided to step aside for not hinder God's plan that he could not understand - but it is limited to be an assumption on which the Gospel text gives only a fragile foundation.
You better not groped to find answers to questions in the Gospel, we ask that we legitimately, but that Matthew was not interested.
He had not bothered to give us information or to meet our curiosity. The only thing he wanted was that we realized that the son of Mary was the heir to the throne of David, promised by the prophets.

The conclusion of the story is solemn. The whole song seems to have been written to demonstrate the fulfillment of what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son who will be called Emmanuel, meaning God with us" (v. 22 -23).
We have already seen what was the literal meaning of this prophecy: the announcement of the birth the son of Ahaz, Hezekiah. He was really a "Emmanuel," a sign that God was protecting his people and the dynasty of David, but did not answer all the expectations that were pinned on him and not even realized the promise of happiness, prosperity and peace described by Isaiah. It was "a prodigy of counselor, an invincible warrior, a father forever, a prince of peace ..." (Isaiah 9:5-6).
Here's what you mean Matthew: Jesus is the one who has fulfilled these prophecies, he is the son of the virgin announced by the prophet. He is truly the 'Emmanuel "God with us." He will be given an everlasting kingdom, and in him will be fulfilled all the hopes of Israel.
This is the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew. The theme of 'Emmanuel "also returns at the end of the book. In the last chapter it is said that after the resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples on the mountain of Galilee, he sent them all over the world to make disciples of all nations, and added: "Here I am with you (Here I am ... are the 'Emma') every day until the end of the world "(Mt 28:20). The reference to "God with us" opens and closes all the work because of Matthew - the Evangelist tells us - in Jesus, God has made, and it remains always on the side of man.

In this conclusion of the song returns to the theme of "virgin" . We have already explained the meaning of the virginal conception of Mary. We want to remind other implications of this biblical term.
For us "virgin" means "admirable, worthy of consideration." In the Bible, however, has a different meaning. A woman's virginity before marriage was appreciated, but she remained a virgin for life only showed an inability to draw to itself the gaze of a man. Worthy of praise in Israel was a married woman who had children, the virgin was considered a tree without fruit, deserving of pity (Is 56.3-6).
This term is used often in the Bible, in a figurative sense, to define an "despicable. The expression Sion virgin does not mean: "Jerusalem, pure, immaculate, unblemished," but "poor, despised, lifeless" (Jer 31.4, 14.13). The land of Israel by the Assyrians destroyed by Amos is compared to the virgin who could not achieve his dream of being a mother: "She fell, never to rise more, the virgin of Israel, is lying the ground, no one does it raise "(Amos 5:2). Even Babylon, the bloody, is cursed by the prophet: "You will be reduced to powder, virgin Babylon" (Is 47.1).
And Mary? ... He speaks of himself as if it were the "virgin Zion," despised and worthless ("... watched the meanness and poverty of his servant ") and acknowledges that everything that has happened in her is of the" Powerful ", which great things done for her (Lk 1:48-49).
Virgin Mary is proof of the greatness and power of God, who alone knows the uterus sterile take his life.
When we celebrate the "virginity" of Mary, we rejoice because we check in her what the Lord can do with the "virgin" with those who have no value, with those who can submit only their own poverty and simplicity. From Mary, the Lord has made into a masterpiece. An artist like him can do just works, regardless of the paucity and poverty of the material that is available. Every man is destined to become his masterpiece.
In this season of Advent, the Virgin Mary invites us to contemplate what the Lord has done in her and believe in the victory of life, even when you only see signs of death.
The term virgin in the Bible takes on a more metaphorical meaning: the person who loves with an undivided heart.
Infidelity of Israel is likened to prostitution (Jer 5:7), and its contamination with the idols is considered adultery, a division of the heart in the Lord, the Bridegroom, and the idols of the nations , her lovers (Hosea 2).
Virginity is the symbol of total love for the Lord.
is in this sense that Paul uses the term when he writes to the Corinthians: "I feel for you with the jealous God, since I promised you to one husband to introduce as a chaste virgin to Christ "(2 Cor 11:2).
Maria has certainly made this perfectly well ideal of virginity.
is for all Christians, the supreme model of total and undivided love for God

Friday, December 17, 2010

Community Service Character Letter

Secret Kingdoms Online

Secret Kingdoms Online is an online fantasy game eagerly awaited. This multiplayer online role-playing game was created by Globex Studios. Since the first images of this game understands that it is particularly aimed at children aged 8 to 17 years: it is characterized by alternating phases of exploration phases of combat, role-playing game like any self-respecting. The Secret
classes in five Kingdoms Online and available to the player you are a large number of options and new and updated equipment.
Above we showed you a picture of Secret Kingdoms Online, as it becomes available we will show you the video of this fantasy game for PC.

fantasy games

If you like fantasy games online then take a look also at Zenti , Online Fairy Story, Legend of Edda , Nadirim , Fantasy Tennis Season 2 , CardMon Hero and Rappelz .

Games of the week

These are the other reviews that we published this week: The Fight : Lights Out , Infinity Blade , Need Shift for Speed \u200b\u200b2: Unleashed , The Michael Jackson Experience , CityVille and Ben 10: Alien Force Attack Vilgax.
Earlier we also discussed Kinect Sports , Edna & Harvey: The Breakout , Europa Universalis III: Divine Wind , Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and Yogi Bear - The Game .

Congential Syphylis Longterm Results Treatment

JESUS \u200b\u200b'RI-

(Pierpaolo Di Bello)

message still relevant ....
JESUS \u200b\u200b'REFUGEE (+ Armando Franco * 1922 +1997 )

In the celebration of Christmas it is customary to exchange greetings: best wishes of well being, especially health, in addition to the purposes that we can achieve. It 'also a way to renew the feelings of friendship between two people, their families, the two groups. And in this we forget that the first wish to be confused with the celebrated. In Bethlehem a child was born which was placed the name of Jesus means "God saves". This child was born a refugee in a foreign land is celebrating his birthday. He was born in a foreign land because Mary and Joseph, married, went to give his name for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus. On that trip did not find any that host them. And having asked the innkeeper of the time, who certainly saw Maria in advanced maternity situation, had to agree that there was no place for them: "There was no room Accommodation includes, says the evangelist Luke (2.7).
There was no room. There was not then, there is none today. There was no place for Jesus, there is none for so many who bear the same name of "man". There's so many immigrants, though they are among us, share our joys and hopes, in many cases have become our servants.

There is no place for them, which we consider an inferior race, for the different skin color, the diversity of culture, mentality for religious or other reasons.

There is no place for them, because they live underground, are suddenly landed without no one waiting for them to receive them. There is still room for them, who are evicted from our table, without any sign of humanity to them.

There is no place for them to suppose that evicted from their countries, persecuted, rightly or wrongly, there is no place for them to have escaped an ambush escaped certain death, sought to be destroyed.

There is no place we do not want their children play with ours, because the fun remains a family business, private.

There is no place for them that we engaged in prostitution and earn well. And do not think that there is amongst us those who resort to them to meet their passions, promises lucrative profits. There is no place for them to disturb our peaceful sleep, we do not want to beg to see today, not to disturb the serenity of this day. But it is clear the day that I do not see that every man is my brother? The hope then is this: our smile that reaches all people, of every color, every race, every religion and every one say you are my brother, best wishes! Merry Christmas! "

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Swollen Gums After Wisdom Teeth Removal 3 Weeks

"Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?". Wednesday, December 8 Immaculate Conception

III Sunday of Advent

Gospel (Mt 11.2 to 11)

2 John meanwhile, who was in prison, having heard of the works of Christ, sent to tell him by his disciples: 3 "Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?". 4 Jesus answered: "Go and tell John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached, 6, and blessed is he who takes no offense at me. "

7 As they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go to see in the desert? A reed shaken by the wind? 8 What did you go see? A man clothed in soft garments? Those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses 9 So, what did you go see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, more than a prophet. 10 This is he of whom it is written: "Behold, I send my messenger before thee, which shall prepare thy way before thee."

11 Verily I say unto you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

is not easy to recognize the Messiah of God

Educated by the prophets, Israel has waited for centuries, and yet, when it came, even people spiritually prepared and well-disposed have struggled to understand and welcome . The same Baptist remained disoriented.

But a Messiah who is not surprising, that does not arouse wonder and disbelief can not come from God, it would be too logical and consistent with our expectations and our God thinks very differently from us.

In the first part of today's Gospel (vv. 2-6) is presented the question that arose one day in the minds of the precursor and the answer that Jesus gave.

John is in prison and the reason is told in Mt from 14.1 to 12: he denounced the immoral behavior of Herod that he took the wife of his brother. In Machaerus fortress where, according to the historian Josephus, was locked up, is treated with respect, can receive visits from his disciples and, eager to witness the coming of the kingdom of God is kept informed about what Jesus is doing of Nazareth, whom he hailed as the messiah.

In this range, however, his faith began to waver.

Some say that the doubts are not John, but his disciples. Not so. From the Gospel is clear that he doubted that Jesus was the messiah. For this he sent to ask, "Are you he that should come or do we look for another?" (V. 3). Why

of concerns were raised about him?

The answer is quite simple. Just keep in mind the image of Messiah who, since childhood, John had taken up by the spiritual leaders of his people.

is in prison, and conscious of what the prophets have foretold, he expects the "liberator" (Isaiah 61:1), in charge of restoring justice in the world and the truth. He does not understand why Jesus did not decide to intervene on his behalf.

Wait a messiah strict court doing battle against evil. Here was the surprise: Not only does Jesus not condemn sinners, but he eats with them and the glory of being their friend (Luke 7:34). Recommended not to quench the dimly burning wick, and suggests that still take care of the "bruised reed." Do not destroy anything, recover and fix what is broken. Do not burn the sinners, change their hearts and wants them happy at any cost, has the words of salvation for those who have no more hope and that everyone avoided like lepers. Not discourages the face of any human problem, not give up even before death.

envoys of John the Baptist, Jesus presents himself as a messiah, listing the signs implied by some texts of Isaiah (Is 35.5-6, 26.19, 61.1), the prophet of hope who had predicted: "Nobody in the city more say, I'm sick "(Is 33.24).

The Baptist is invited to take note of six new reality: the healing of the blind, the deaf, the lepers, the crippled, the resurrection of the dead and the proclamation of the gospel to the poor. These are all signs of salvation, no condemnation.

New World is thus arose: who was walking in the dark and had lost orientation of life, is now illuminated by the Gospel, who was crippled and could not move a step towards the Lord and our brothers and sisters, now brisk walk, who was deaf to the word of God, now listen and be guided from it: he was ashamed of himself for the leprosy of sin that kept him away from God and by his brothers, now feels cleansed, and he who carried out only dead works now lives in the fullness of his life: he was considered a miserable and without Hope has heard the good news: "While there is no salvation for you."

The Messiah of God has nothing to do with the energetic character and severe than John expected. His approach has shocked the precursor and continues to shock us today. There is still someone who asks the Lord to intervene and punish the wicked, there are still those who interpret God's punishment as the misfortunes that affect those who have done evil. But can God be angry or feel pleasure in seeing his children (even if bad) suffer?

Jesus concludes his response with a bliss, the tenth one encounters in the Gospel of Matthew: "Blessed is he who takes no offense at me." A sweet invitation to review the Baptist in his theological convictions.

A good God with all contradicted the belief that John had done. Like us, the Baptist imagined a God strong and if he found himself facing weak; expect sensational action, however the events continue to unfold as if the Messiah had not come.

Blessed are those who accept God as it is, not as he would like them to be!

Faith in the God revealed in Jesus can only be accompanied by doubt, uncertainty, difficulty in believing.

The Baptist is the figure of the true believer is being debated so many doubts, asks questions, but does not reject the Messiah because it matches your requirements, call into question their certainties.

not care who finds it difficult to believe, those who feel lost in front of the mystery and puzzles of existence, who says he does not understand the thoughts and acting of God care who confuses his own certainties with the truth of God, who has a ready answer for all questions, who always has some dogma to be imposed, those who never leave question: such a belief sometimes borders on fanaticism.

parties the disciples of John, Jesus speaks his opinion on him with three rhetorical questions. This is the second part of today's Gospel (vv. 7-11).

responses to the first two are obvious: the Baptist is not like the reeds growing along the Jordan River, the capriciousness because symbols are bent in the direction of the wind. John is an opportunist that adapts to all situations and bow before the powers that be. On the contrary, is one that is resolutely opposed to the same political leaders, who openly address the king and not afraid to say what he thinks.

John is not a corrupt, who thinks the interest that accumulates and the unscrupulous money squandered on entertainment, clothing, elegant and refined. The corrupt - Jesus says - are the kings and their courtiers, the rich, the leaders who have imprisoned.

The third question requires a positive response: John was a prophet, so it's more than a prophet. No one has served a mission in the Old Testament than his own. More than Moses, he is "an angel" sent to precede liberating the coming of the Lord.

the final addition is significant: "The least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (v. 11).

Jesus did not establish a ranked list based on personal holiness and perfection, but calls to verify the superiority of the condition of the disciple. Who belongs to the kingdom of heaven is able to see farther than the Baptist. Who took the new face of God, who understood that the Messiah has come to meet the man to forgive, to embrace it, love it, however, entered the new perspective, a view of God

What we today, regardless of our holiness staff, we can see and understand, the Baptist has only guessed because he was on the threshold of new times.

Fernando Armellini (biblical scholar)