Travel in USA? .... Yes, at Arcosanti
Miami (Florida)
, Orlando (Florida)
, Tallahassee (Florida)
, New Orleans (Louisiana)
- Memphis - Nashville (Tennessee)
, St Louis (Missouri)
, Indianapolis (Indiana)
, Chicago (Illinois)
, Niagara Fall, Washington - Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
, Atlantic City (Atlamtic County, New Jersey)
- New York above These are the stages of the journey that I will when I have a 2500 euros in his hands. .. for now I find it more exciting to go to interessOnte atque Arcosanti, Arizona, and iu ess.
Or when I have something I could cash in go to New England .... for now I'm in the place of the photo above.
these places below are all in New England (
Maine, New Hampshire
Massachusetts, Vermont
Connecticut and Rhode Island
Gloucester Rockport Salem
Cape York Beach Neddik
Wiscasset Damariscotta Pemaquid Point
Camden Tenants Harbur
Belfast Boothbay Harbur
Acadia NP
the map in places where I've been ....
visited 20 states (8.88%)