Gospel (Mt 7.21-27) 21 Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to me that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name drive out demons in your name perform many miracles in your name? 23 I will declare to them, I have never known: depart from me, you evildoers. 24 then who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 the rain fell, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it did not fall, it was founded on the rock. 26 everyone who hears these words of mine and not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. 27 fell the rain and the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was its fall. " We are at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus presented the new Torah which is the fulfillment of the ancient. If you think back to the radical proposals of his moral (the beatitudes, the condemnation of divorce, accumulation of money and idolatry, the request to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies, to be perfect as your Father in heaven) is not surprising that his listeners are left not only astonished (Mt 7 28), but certainly also bewildered and lost. Their reaction is not different from that of Christians for whom Matthew wrote his Gospel and that of the disciples of today. For all the danger is to keep the listeners, admirers of the Master, not daring to put into practice what he taught. That's why Jesus concludes his speech with a stern warning : "Not everyone who says to me, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven "(v. 21). Who is? Disciples, is obvious. They are the ones who bestow the title of "Lord." In the Gospel of Matthew, the only outsiders call him "master" (Mt 8.19, 12.38). It is therefore within the Christian community, which can infiltrate the belief that it is enough lip service to Christ, which are sufficient impeccable religious practice, the performance of rites and dovozioni to enter the kingdom of heaven. Even James in his letter is concerned about this risk and the complaint so resolute: "Be of those who practice the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Because if one only listens and does not put into practice the words, like a man observing his natural face in a mirror: It was observed just goes away and immediately forgets it was. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not a forgetful hearer, but one that puts it into practice, they will be blessed in their doing "(James 1:22-25). Jesus is not condemning the small or large inconsistencies, weaknesses and frailties that accompanied all his life, even the greatest saints, but the false security of those who feel right with God because they profess their faith in Christ the Lord. in the following verses (vv. 22-23) is made an accurate description of these people who delude themselves to be disciples, not just rely on Jesus, calling him "Lord", but speaking on his behalf, perform actions extraordinary cast out devils, working miracles. For many miracles constitute conclusive confirmation of the sanctity of a person and the truth of what he teaches. It is a widespread belief that stems from the need to base their faith on conclusive evidence and is dangerous because it undermines the faith that is so reasonable, but can not be rationally demonstrated. Already the Old Testament calls for caution and recommended not to trust the signs and wonders why even the false prophets can do them (Deut. 13.2-6). It also says Jesus, "will arise false prophets shall show great signs and wonders" (Mt 24.24), was convinced of the seer of Revelation to the beast that recognized their ability to make "great wonders, to bring down fire from heaven "(Rev 13:13), even the Antichrist - ensures the author of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians - will occur" with all sorts of miracles and signs and lying wonders "(2 Thess 2:9). It is enough - I believe - to be wary of those who interpret the miracles as evidence. In the passage today Jesus means the only criterion for identifying those who belong to the kingdom of heaven, and who remains outside, not miracles, but the practice of God's will In the second part of the song (vv. 24-27) Jesus develops this theme with a parable: two men, a wise fool and the other, they decide to build their home, the first built on the rock, the second on the sand. Augustine identified the bad weather, which crashed into two buildings with the trials and temptations that they stagger the weak and fragile. The rainy season - he said - are the superstitions, the carnal desires of the rivers, winds the empty chatter. The verb in the future (in the original text is: "Will like a man ...") directed towards a different interpretation. This is not the vicissitudes and difficulties of life, but the decision of approval or condemnation that God will speak a day on the life of every man, declaring the success or failure. In the Bible, the images of rain and winds are used to describe God's judgment The fall of the waters of the flood showed what end awaits the wicked (Genesis 6-7), the prophet Ezekiel presented the sentence of God against his people as a "heavy rain", a "large hail," a "hurricane" that breaks down the work of those who built with mud walls (Ezekiel 13.10-16). Paul has a somewhat 'different, talks about the fire that will test the quality of the work of everyone: is the development of gold, silver, precious stones, while those made of wood, hay and straw will go up in smoke (1 Cor 3.12 to 17). rating for men is soft and shallow, like a light wind blowing, gently stroking the fragile buildings giving the illusion that they are stable and strong. The men - we know - will leave enchanted by appearances, and often did not appreciate what we value, inconsistent characters admire, even applaud those who deserve to be rejected. reflectors stage of this world, however, go out soon, the old days with more photographers in the ribs with the fans who call autographs, with the onslaught of the crowds disappear and what remains of a life played on the vanity and on the ephemeral ? The Judgement of God will be like a violent storm that will leave standing only the solid buildings, those based - says Jesus - on his word, the values \u200b\u200bproposed by him, on his Beatitudes. The call of the reflector is directed especially to those disciples who, having heard the word of Christ, set their lives on principles completely different, because the illusion of being a Christian participate in liturgies show, drawing-room discussions, devotional practices bigoted. Jesus asks each one a serious test of the solidity of the foundations on which is building the life. |
Nutriamoci The Word Of God
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Mini Cabin Septic System Design
No man can serve two masters
Fernando Armellini (biblical scholar)
Gospel (Mt 6.24-34)
24 No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or the one and despise the other can not serve God and mammon.
25 Therefore I tell you about your life Do not worry about what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you will wear Is not life is worth more the food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air do not sow or reap or store in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? 27 And who of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life? 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Observe how the lilies of the field do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. ; 30 Now if God so clothe the grass of the field, today and tomorrow is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 not worry, saying, What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? 32 all these things do the Gentiles, your heavenly Father knows that you need. 33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its ".
The child who loses his parents can not be alone, needs to have someone to put his trust, someone who will give him security. He seeks a voluntary model, a reference point in life.
also happens with God: no one can do without, can not be remain orphans, and whoever rejects it, replace it immediately with a replacement. The danger is not atheism, but the choice of the wrong god.
Many believe that, in the highest, there is a Father who cares for them, they are convinced that he feels for them even maternal feelings: he is interested, with affection and solicitude to their needs. If he is the father of all, people are not traveling companions, neighbors, more or less sympathetic, more or less deserving of attention are not the antagonists with which to compete, or even worse, enemies to fight, but the brothers to love and help.
Not everyone accepts this Father. To those who reject it looks now, with all its enchanting charm, the most seductive, the most devious of idols, money. Today's Gospel begins with a complaint of dangerous quest'idolo (v. 24).
Matthew has preserved the Aramaic - Mamone - used by Jesus is significant: it derives from the root 'aman which means provide security, be solid, reliable. The money, as God provides all good things to those who pay worship donates food, beverages, health, pleasure, fun, but what does he ask in return? Like any god, requires everything.
God is the Reference thoughts and actions, of human life and wants to be loved "with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might" (Deuteronomy 6:5). The money demands the total involvement of his devotees. For his sake we must be prepared to surrender their dignity, cheat, steal, to destroy others, to lose friends, even to the neglect of his wife and children (for them there will be no more time!), Must also be prepared to kill. People who love to have all the money, but are no longer men, they become slaves. "The love of money - the author of the letter to Timothy - is the root of all Mali ; for this craving that some have wandered from the faith and are, themselves through with many sorrows "(1 Tim 6:10) and is idolatry (Ephesians 5:5). The first
madness in which drag the worship of Mamone is the accumulation. Who builds the illusion of having found a concrete goal and rewarding to give meaning to life, but he only discovered a makeshift room to dispel the thought of death. "Leaving a legacy" is a palliative.
Father in heaven is situated at the antipodes: Calls to the renunciation of the use of selfish money. He does not ask for "Do not steal," to give alms, but to establish a new relationship with the goods, and proposes sharing, attention to the needs of others. Any form of self storage is a violation of the First Commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3).
No man can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or the one and despise the other. You can not serve God and Mamone. We want good tenerceli
both, convinced that what we do not grant him to give the other one. But no two are business partners, are antagonistic, can not be together in the human heart, give the opposite order. The Father in heaven repeats: "Love, help your brother, gives food to the hungry, clothing the naked, sell your house to those without a home." The money order instead: "It exploits the poor, not taking anything for free, do not worry about those in need, respect and appreciate the people in proportion to what they have."
The detachment from the goods is a recurrent theme in the gospel and is one of the most difficult to assimilate. For man becomes attached to the treasures of this world is prone to idolize to forget the inheritance which is imperishable, it does not stain and will not rot, that is kept in heaven "(1 Peter 1:4).
Since his first speech - one of the mountain from which the song is taken today - Jesus warns his disciples: "Do not store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal: But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, your heart will be also "(Mt 6, 19-21). Who wants to follow the calls to give your cloak as well and advised not to turn their backs on the party seeking a loan (Mt 6,40.42).
Requests for Jesus are paradoxical and puzzling. Before deciding to accept them, one can not but wonder: What will become of my life? What do you eat, what to drink, how I dress? Who do I ensure that I will have enough to live then? I do not regret having declined to safety in the money accumulated and enjoyed? It will not be better simply to lavish some charity?
to these questions is answered in Jesus second part of today's Gospel (vv. 25-34) which calls for confidence in the Father who is in heaven, that takes care of the children and that will not fail the necessary to those who believed in him.
images with which it is presented in the care of God for his creatures are delightful: "Look at the birds of the air do not sow or reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? Observe how the lilies of the field do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them "(vv. 26-29). It gives the impression of being a naive dreamer, to bring a carefree, joyful, but completely detached from reality.
Not so. Jesus does not suggest the hallway, laziness, disinterest or resignation, proposes a new relationship with the goods, not hoarding, but the sharing based on trust in the providence of God
The recall is the experience of the exodus, Israel was a people on pilgrimage, could not accumulate , planted temporary tents, constructed warehouses not solid and immovable, and the manna could not be collected in greater quantities than is necessary for a day otherwise filled with maggots and rotting (Ex 16.17-20), the land was not owned by No, each had only for a moment, that little area that trampled, then, when his foot moved forward, the land did not belong to more, it became the property of those who followed him. In this way God had brought his people to detachment from the goods which, although necessary for life, are corruptible and passengers, but seduce, enchant and make your eyes off the goal.
The rabbis noticed that the Israelites who followed Moses in the desert without ever asking: "How can we cross the desert, with no commissions to take with us for the journey."
Jesus does not condemn the planning, foresight, but worry about tomorrow, the anxiety that lose the joy of life and leads inevitably to accumulate and transform into idols dehumanizing the goods of this world.
not worry, do not inquietatevi : verbs that are Today in the song are repeated six times. Are an echo of the wise reflections of Sirach: "A lot of kills and there is concern nell'affanno utility. The concern for the livelihood lose sleep, it leaves more of a disease "(Sir 30.23 to 31.2).
The trouble is common to both the poor as the rich, the money not only eliminates the worries and concerns, but sharpens and exaggerates. We know the sleepless nights of the fathers of families unemployed, without money, with his wife and children to support, but we know that the fears are of no use, do not solve the problems of food and clothing, are an unnecessary expenditure of energy.
Jesus suggests its remedy to this disease: looking up to heaven, to the Father in heaven. This is not to remain with our hands, but face reality with new hearts. Jesus echoes the words of the author of Hebrews: "Let your conduct be without covetousness, content with what you have, because God has said, I will not leave and will never leave you" (Hebrews 13:5).
Even in the face of serious difficulties, he invites people to maintain peace of mind because the man's life is in the hands of God who never abandons his children, accompanying them at all times, bless their efforts and their commitment.
Fernando Armellini (biblical scholar)
Sub Enclosures 2 12 L7
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These are the other reviews that we published this week: Dungeon Raid , Bulletstorm , The Darkness II , PSP Games War: The most desirable , Glory of Rome, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Test Drive Unlimited 2 , Trackmania: Race to Build and Nintendo DS: The most beautiful 2010.

Dig deep trenches all around and built powerful castles and solid walls. Draw the paths to reach your fortress and studied where to place traps against invading enemies. Collect resources and thereby increasing their defense capabilities. Capture the monsters you encounter in your army to deploy them then. Viva is a dungeon role-playing really full of action and things to do.
Above we showed you a picture of Viva Dungeon, and below we show the video with the trailer for this fantasy game:
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If you like fantasy games online then take a look also at Fantasy Games Online: The best games of the moment , The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard , Wakfu , Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword , Pandora Saga , Land A Mystical Realm of the Titans and .
Games of the week
These are the other reviews that we published this week: Dungeon Raid , Bulletstorm , The Darkness II , PSP Games War: The most desirable , Glory of Rome, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Test Drive Unlimited 2 , Trackmania: Race to Build and Nintendo DS: The most beautiful 2010.
Friday, February 25, 2011
How Does A Cervix Get Raw
Extraordinary Plan for work in Puglia
A good opportunity
Antonio Rubino
extraordinary plan for the work will meet for the first time no later than February, the "control" - consisting of regional departments, employers' organizations and trade unions and other institutions - that will decide the time priority of notices under the Plan for extraordinary work in Puglia. This comes in a 6-axis (youth, women, social inclusion, quality of life, development and innovation, higher quality work) for 43 operations targeting 52,035 potential recipients. Resources amounted to 340 million. Among the actions planned: development of entrepreneurship women, work-life reconciliation services, training, recruitment of disabled people, support poverty, re-use and self-employment of laid off, industrial research and training. The interventions will start by June. For the CGIA Mestre real unemployment rate (unemployed as the official "no confidence") in the second quarter of 2010 was 17.5%. Over 71 million hours of redundancy (data 2010 - CGIL).
interest and concern. "Anything done for the young and the work is always interesting," debuted Antonio Petraroli in charge of the Regional Workers Movement of Catholic Action. However, "detailing the resources are not as full-bodied whereas the catchment area is 52,000 people, with an investment, then, of just over € 6,500 per person, compared to a situation that is alarming, "and that" we are also waiting for the plane to the South. "Region" has done a thorough preliminary investigation "even if" sometimes these interventions, both at national and regional level are more commercials election economic strategy. "That region is" a comprehensive proposal that comes to work, social emergence, recovery of subjects who dropped school, phenomenon - the latter - which causes situations of illegality ". Petraroli has two concerns. The first is that" the money to go to big industrial groups, leaving little to young people, women, immigrants, "even if" the refinancing of the 'Back to the Future' (post-graduate scholarships, ed) is interesting. "The second is that" because of the number of entities involved in the control room can escape the objective of simplifying the bureaucratic procedures for participation in tenders, provided that when there is no transparency participation.
Unlocking talent. The planned interventions are "substantially positive - says Gianluca Budano, regional president of ACLI - because it aims to take on work and not generally on the economic development of the territory, crossing the vocational training policies with incentives for businesses within a framework systematic. "This" is free, however, an analysis of context, "which is" shared and then explained. "The Piano" collects and raises "initiatives already put in a few months ago. knotty problem" is that the systematic policy that contains specific interactions is not useful "to bring" public spending, especially that related to EU funds, to be the most effective. "Manca, in short," the effort to predict the results after the round of the 2000 ROP - 2006, which did not always shine. "Therefore, the ACLI, in short, will launch the campaign" Free the talents of Puglia system ", to" give hope to young people of Puglia 'Back to the Future' or 'over 50' retrained with the program Regional 'Welfare to work', all this through a choice: invest in public procurement resulting from financing of projects of all kinds, crossing the path of human resources arising or made from other funded programs. "The message is threefold." Those who receive funds Government exercises a public function that excludes the arbitrary management decisions, above and beyond what regulations require. "Second," the goal of maximum efficiency of public spending requires the maximum effort to pursue and to multiply the positive effects. "Finally, , "is a good opportunity to introduce a specific example of 'subsidiarity' circular, which expresses itself in the management of forms of administration shared between society and government ".
And the third sector? Budano to the control room had to function as a precautionary measure and it is" incomplete "in the Third Sector Forum. Lack" not just "because" substantial part of the plan is funded by the European Social Fund and the Third Sector is important because "both in the production of income is social and relational capital." There is still "time for some adjustments," he added. To combat youth unemployment "we must give hope young people and all who live in a state of insecurity and uncertainty. "In this, the Region has launched a virtuous path, see the program 'Welfare to work', but now must accelerate the pace ", asking the company to assume responsibility Apulian the insecurity that exists in the population. The campaign" Free the talents "may be" the right approach to be emulated in public policy. "

A good opportunity
Antonio Rubino
extraordinary plan for the work will meet for the first time no later than February, the "control" - consisting of regional departments, employers' organizations and trade unions and other institutions - that will decide the time priority of notices under the Plan for extraordinary work in Puglia. This comes in a 6-axis (youth, women, social inclusion, quality of life, development and innovation, higher quality work) for 43 operations targeting 52,035 potential recipients. Resources amounted to 340 million. Among the actions planned: development of entrepreneurship women, work-life reconciliation services, training, recruitment of disabled people, support poverty, re-use and self-employment of laid off, industrial research and training. The interventions will start by June. For the CGIA Mestre real unemployment rate (unemployed as the official "no confidence") in the second quarter of 2010 was 17.5%. Over 71 million hours of redundancy (data 2010 - CGIL).
interest and concern. "Anything done for the young and the work is always interesting," debuted Antonio Petraroli in charge of the Regional Workers Movement of Catholic Action. However, "detailing the resources are not as full-bodied whereas the catchment area is 52,000 people, with an investment, then, of just over € 6,500 per person, compared to a situation that is alarming, "and that" we are also waiting for the plane to the South. "Region" has done a thorough preliminary investigation "even if" sometimes these interventions, both at national and regional level are more commercials election economic strategy. "That region is" a comprehensive proposal that comes to work, social emergence, recovery of subjects who dropped school, phenomenon - the latter - which causes situations of illegality ". Petraroli has two concerns. The first is that" the money to go to big industrial groups, leaving little to young people, women, immigrants, "even if" the refinancing of the 'Back to the Future' (post-graduate scholarships, ed) is interesting. "The second is that" because of the number of entities involved in the control room can escape the objective of simplifying the bureaucratic procedures for participation in tenders, provided that when there is no transparency participation.
Unlocking talent. The planned interventions are "substantially positive - says Gianluca Budano, regional president of ACLI - because it aims to take on work and not generally on the economic development of the territory, crossing the vocational training policies with incentives for businesses within a framework systematic. "This" is free, however, an analysis of context, "which is" shared and then explained. "The Piano" collects and raises "initiatives already put in a few months ago. knotty problem" is that the systematic policy that contains specific interactions is not useful "to bring" public spending, especially that related to EU funds, to be the most effective. "Manca, in short," the effort to predict the results after the round of the 2000 ROP - 2006, which did not always shine. "Therefore, the ACLI, in short, will launch the campaign" Free the talents of Puglia system ", to" give hope to young people of Puglia 'Back to the Future' or 'over 50' retrained with the program Regional 'Welfare to work', all this through a choice: invest in public procurement resulting from financing of projects of all kinds, crossing the path of human resources arising or made from other funded programs. "The message is threefold." Those who receive funds Government exercises a public function that excludes the arbitrary management decisions, above and beyond what regulations require. "Second," the goal of maximum efficiency of public spending requires the maximum effort to pursue and to multiply the positive effects. "Finally, , "is a good opportunity to introduce a specific example of 'subsidiarity' circular, which expresses itself in the management of forms of administration shared between society and government ".
And the third sector? Budano to the control room had to function as a precautionary measure and it is" incomplete "in the Third Sector Forum. Lack" not just "because" substantial part of the plan is funded by the European Social Fund and the Third Sector is important because "both in the production of income is social and relational capital." There is still "time for some adjustments," he added. To combat youth unemployment "we must give hope young people and all who live in a state of insecurity and uncertainty. "In this, the Region has launched a virtuous path, see the program 'Welfare to work', but now must accelerate the pace ", asking the company to assume responsibility Apulian the insecurity that exists in the population. The campaign" Free the talents "may be" the right approach to be emulated in public policy. "
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