I never believed in what people call bad luck, understood as a condition laid down by fate without the interference may have in his or change in its orientation. I think it is a certain order, exterior, foreign to us, which gives a rate contrary to our decisions and our actions, but that has nothing to damage our relations with the world and its creatures. When one of these storms raging on me, I still enjoy the company of my friends in bars, the complicity of the casual fans, the dialogue with the wise and phlegmatic "madames"
In Puerto Rico, for example, continue to meditate with a dearest and most eminent historian who, on the consequences of the marriage of Mary of Burgundy to Maximilian of Austria. The
lost in such mazes that newcomers may seem a sterile occupation, it seems much more practical to take concrete and tested as a kid, the extraneous circumstances that conspire to us is the purely utilitarian to complicate our lives that is, without doubt, the most unreal and unattainable, because of its elementary and incurable idiocy.
from "Ilona arrives with the Rain" by Alvaro Mutis