In Nicaragua there are many opportunities to work as volunteers. Many, but not all, of the occupations require the availability of voluntary work within a minimum period of time. Usually, this period ranges from 1 to
To gather information about the world of international cooperation and the voluntary sector in Italy, please visit the corporate website of the 'Association of Italian NGOs ( www.ong.it ), which provides an updated list of non-governmental organizations with active projects in various countries around the world. Through these experiences can make voluntary civil service international travel or knowledge of the countries of the South, and initiate projects to support distance learning and much more. Among the foreign organizations recommend:
Earthwatch ( www.earthwatch.com ) offers volunteer opportunities often expensive.
Habitat for Humanity (www.habitat.org ) Here's who to call if you want to be involved in projects to build houses for the homeless, mainly in the highlands settemtrionali.
Seeds Of Learning (tel 001-707-939-0471; site: www.seedsoflearning.com ) is a nonprofit organization that sends groups of work in Salvador or Nicaragua to help build or equip schools.
Transitions Abroad ( www.transitionsabroad.com ) Excellent source to find paid work, contact and volunteer positions, the work in the plantations of mangroves on the coast of Yucatan in sex education of workers in Guatemala .
Volunteer Abroad ( www.volunteerabroad.com ) A number of volunteer opportunities, courses of study abroad and internship periods, listed by country, as well as many other helpful resources. They are also available for paid employment opportunities for teachers and high school students.